What They Didn't Burn, by Mel Laytner

Editorial Reviews

Kirkus Reviews What They Didn't Burn

A scrupulously researched and dramatic remembrance… the author presents his findings with a remarkable blend of meticulousness and unabashed emotion, movingly communicating what he experienced during the process

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"A meticulously researched memoir [that] reads like a treasure hunt…The ensuing powerful narrative is dramatic, harrowing and haunting....a well-written potent story of memory and tribute told with integrity and weight. 


Benjamin Franklin Awards Judge (history)

The skills of the author - veteran newsman Mel Laytner - as both a writer and reporter are brilliantly evident…Even after seven decades, new classics of Holocaust literature, such as this one, are still possible.

--Franklin Awards Judge (history)

Judges' Comments

Laytner's compelling, well-plotted memoir is always engaging and conscientiously structured. By interspersing historical content and journalism with personal accounts and reconstructed memories, Laytner keeps the narrative moving and provokes readers’ curiosity.

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Times of Israel review of What They Didn't Burn

A master writer who paints pictures in your head that make you think you’re in the ghetto, in the camp and on the death march standing next to his father. A writer who paints masterpieces in your mind that cause your lacrimal glands to secret tears and make you realize it’s time to visit the graves of your parents. -- Mort Laitner (click for full blog.)

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A memoir and history like no other Holocaust story…Its eye-opening impact makes What They Didn't Burn unparalleled, powerful, and essential reading that will ideally prompt debates and group studies about Holocaust survivors and Nazi experiences.

-- Diane Donovan, Sr. Reviewer

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Readers Favorite Book Review

Tightly written and compelling on every page...Dolek’s “luck” proves to be a terrifying endurance test. This is most certainly not luck. It is the grit and rapid intelligence of a man who can read a situation quickly to maximize the odds of survival. Very highly recommended. 

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Independent Book Review

...A deep dive into Nazi records reveals one man’s diamond-hard resolve to survive…With Laytner’s keen ear for dialogue and his evocative language, What They Didn’t Burn eloquently bears witness to the tragedy of a family and a people.

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Press & Media Kit

Montaigne Medal Finalist, Mel Laytner What They Didn't Burn

Mel Laytner author bio

Download PDF of Mel's Author Profile

(same as "ABOUT ME" page)

"A perfect tonic to novels that use the Holocaust as window-dressing." 

A bookish type is written in white letters on a black background

Josef Lajtner rarely spoke of what happened to him between 1940 and 1945. His son, journalist Mel and author of What They Didn’t Burn, only knew a few things. He knew that Josef had been imprisoned at Auschwitz, Gross-Rosen, and Buchenwald. 


Book&Film Globe Interview with Mel Laytner, Author

Mel Laytner Highlands Current What They Didn't Burn



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Interview with Brooke Kroeger, author of Undaunted, How Women Changed American Journalism, at the Silurian Press Club.


     Author's Chat sponsored by the Jewish Community Relations Council at Raab/Goodwin Center's Annual Generations After Brunch. I was interviewed by local 3G Rachel Howe. 


Museum of Jewish Heritage Book Talk with Mel Laytner and Jane Eisner
Click for Book Launch interview, sponsored by the Museum of Jewish Heritage.

Jewish Link newspaper review What They Didn't Burn by Mel Laytner


(book review)

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Jonathan Dunksy, author of the popular Adam Lapid Israeli mystery series, interviews Mel Laytner about the challenges in writing nonfiction history to be as engaging as fiction 


Silurians Press Club article by Mel Laytner, What They Didn't Burn

 I wrote of the challenges of melding journalism with personal memoir for The Silurians, one of the oldest press clubs in the United States.

 (click to download full article)

Mel Laytner Interview with Mark Sullivan, Beneath a Scarlet Sky
Interview with Mark Sullivan, author of Beneath a Scarlet Sky, at the Museum of Jewish Heritage
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